Friday, October 23, 2009

My Contributions

I tried to start a blog back in July about learning how to cook. I'm not a good cook and am determined to try new recipes. However, seeing as my 8-year old camera is broken and the fact that I still never cook, that idea was a bust before it even got off the ground.

A short e-book by Charlie Hoehn, titled "The Recession-Proof Graduate" reignited my desire to blog. I work in academic publishing and am interested in all forms of media and modern communication. But I need to be more involved in the conversation! Besides, how else am I supposed to keep up-to-date when my company is still using Word Perfect? (Seriously, Word Perfect.)

So it begins. I have no idea what this blog will bring or its future direction, but that's half the fun.



  1. Ooooo! A post! How exciting! Way to go Claire! Although, I betcha 20 bucks you fall off the blogging band wagon in a month! ;)

  2. It's officially been a month and I made it (but no promises for the future). Do I get that 20 bucks? How about a cookie or a brownie or something?
