Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10lbs Heaver, 10x Happier

View of Chicago from my rooftop
According to Blogger, I haven't posted since May. My bad!

At first, I was so stuck in Boulder that I didn't want to post anything. Who wants to write about unhappiness? That just sucks. But now, I've been so busy and happy in Chicago that I haven't had the time!

And then I gained 10 lbs. Damn amazing Chicago fried food! Ack! So, I need to recommit to my fitness and my health and my blog while continuing to be happy with my life.

Do you ever get to the point where you sometimes forget what happiness is? I had forgotten in Colorado. I was just getting through each day. My life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. Moving was one of the best things I have ever done.

I'm also permanently on vacation out here---which means that I'm eating like I'm permanently on vacation. I literally had restaurant kettle-fried chips for dinner. Oops! Time to stop that. Right now.

So, dear friends (all two of you), I'm ready and excited to continue sharing my happy life and my struggles with you. There's so much to tell! I will forge ahead... again.


  1. This whole post has me grinning ear to ear.

  2. yay for a new post! I'm glad you're loving life out there! And, for what it's worth, the weight change come with the loss of altitude. True story.
