Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Art of Bike Commuting

My Cannondale road bike
I've blogged before about bicycles.

But here I am to elaborate again on how much I love having a bike in the city.

I sent my car back to Colorado last year because it didn't make sense to spend $200/month in parking for a car I never drove. I found it easier to get around via public transportation.

But since I don't live in the Loop anymore, my bicycle is essential. Besides, it makes things a lot more fun! I'm also getting a sense of all the streets and neighborhoods.

I have become that "biker chick" I've always envied. Chicago is all about confidence. Confidence at work, confidence when going out, and, most importantly, confidence when riding your bike on the streets. I've had to use my voice on many occasions. I especially feel a twinge of joy when I yell at cabbies right before they pull out in front of me. They immediately slam on their brakes, their face showing a mixture of confusion and respect. Yes!!!

I've also found out that bicycle commuting is an art. It must be planned out the night before.

The above picture shows everything piled on my back during a typical ride to work. Moving from left to right:
  • Kryptonite lock. These things are heavy!
  • Bern bike helmet in Matte Neon Yellow. I'll take anything and everything that makes me more visible on the road
  • Yoga bag, mat, and towel. I try to go to yoga in the morning as often as possible. This bag is the only Lululemon thing I own and at $40, it was the cheapest thing in the store
  • Sherpani bag. I bought this years ago in Boulder. It has now proved invaluable
  • Sunglasses, compact, lip gloss, and pens
  • My kindle---which I can't live without. I'm currently reading The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler for book club
  • Chicago bike map. This little thing has gotten me back home many times
  • Wallet
  • Lunch bag. I try to bring lunch to work as often as possible
  • Work clothes. Luckily my office has great showers. I keep in a locker a towel, hairdryer, straightener, and makeup. I think I shower at work more often than I shower at home
  • Headphones (absolutely necessary in the city, but not while you're riding!), running watch, CTA card, and work pass

Here is everything strategically packed away. Didn't think it would all fit, did you? Did you? Like I said, commuting is an art.

Want a lesson in physics? Try carrying your bike up two flights of curving stairs. Fun times.

So, my advice to you? Get a bike. Ride to work. You don't have to ride every day, but just a few days a week. It's worth it. Next lesson? Bike lights. They're even more important than my neon helmet.

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